Health and Safety

A. General Overview of Health and Safety

According to the most recent information available from the CDC, the virus that causes COVID-19 spreads primarily when people come into close contact (within about 6 feet) with each other for a prolonged period (approximately 15 minutes or more). The CDC, CDE, CDPH, ACPHD, and ACOE have all issued guidance recommending that students and employees maintain at least six (6) feet of distance from one another in schools to the greatest extent possible.   
Using these guidelines, Redwood Day has adopted the following protocols to develop a safe and healthy school and workplace for students and staff.

List of 9 items.

  • a. Physical Distancing in Classrooms

    All classrooms will be required to remain below maximum capacity limits to adequately provide for the physical distancing of students and teachers. The maximum capacity limit will be posted outside of all classrooms. Students will be required to maintain at least six (6) feet of physical distancing from others in the classroom whenever possible. Desks, activity stations, tables, and chairs will be spaced a minimum of six (6) feet apart and arranged to minimize face-to-face contact. For our youngest students (K-2) we recognize that physical distancing will be difficult for them; we will implement strategies to help them learn new protocols in a fun, safe, and engaging way. Even with the best intentions and goals, physical distancing for young students may prove impractical, at times. While we will do our very best to help students maintain the recommended distance from each other, there may be times in a stable group when this is not possible.
  • b. Staying Home When Necessary

    Students who are sick, displaying symptoms of COVID-19 (i.e. cough, fever, shortness of breath, etc.) or who have recently, within 14 days, had close contact with a person with COVID-19 will need to remain at home. Later in this handbook, we provide more detailed explanations of the scenarios in which a student will need to remain at home and the conditions that will need to be met to return to school, in-person.
  • c. Face Coverings for All Students

    In accordance with state and local agency guidelines, students must wear cloth face coverings while at school at all times, except during designated meal times. Students are encouraged to bring their own cloth face coverings made out of breathable cloth materials, cover the entire nose and mouth area, and be secured to the head with elastic ties or straps. Cloth face coverings should be washed daily per state and local guidance. Again, for our youngest students (K-2), wearing a face covering, at all times, may prove impractical; we will do our very best to help students meet this requirement, but there may be times when this is not possible. For students unable to wear a cloth face-covering due to special circumstances, a face shield is an acceptable substitute but must be worn with a cloth drape across the bottom and must be secured by being tucked into the shirt or tied around the back of the neck.
  • d. Classroom Disinfecting and Sanitation

    Redwood Day has established comprehensive cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation practices in an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Our updated policies apply to all areas of the School campus, both indoor and outdoor, including buildings, facilities, and grounds. Redwood Day will be in compliance with the most recent CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting of public places, workplaces, businesses, schools, and homes. All disinfecting will be done with EPA-approved disinfectants against COVID-19 and following all directions to ensure safe and effective use. Policies require nightly disinfection of all classrooms and require classroom teachers to clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces and objects in the classroom between student use. We have hired additional janitorial staff, both during the day and in the evening, to assist with regular disinfecting and sanitation of high-touch surfaces.
  • e. Hand Sanitizers

    Students will be required to wash their hands for the recommended 20 seconds with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available when arriving and prior to leaving school, before and after meals, after outside play, before and after using the restroom, after having close contact with others, and after using shared surfaces and tools. Hand sanitizer will be provided in all classrooms that do not have sinks.
  • f. Restroom Protocols

    Each stable group of students will be assigned a specific restroom; if windows exist in these restrooms, they will remain open for ventilation. Students will be directed to use the restroom assigned to their stable group. Custodial staff will conduct regular cleaning and disinfecting of restrooms throughout the day. Gendered restrooms will no longer exist for the foreseeable future and students will only be permitted to use the restroom one student at a time.
  • g. Use of Markers and Signage

    Markers that designate intervals of six (6) feet will be placed in classrooms , and at entrances, to designate spaces where students should be when in line to maintain physical distancing. The School will also designate foot traffic patterns, such as one-way hallways, to limit the frequency of students passing each other or coming within six (6) feet of each other, as they move throughout campus.
  • h. Entering and Exiting the School’s Campus

    The School will utilize up to six entry and exit points to campus in order to maintain physical distancing and prevent large gatherings during drop-off and pick-up times. Students will be assigned to enter at specific entry points and exit at specific points each school day at staggered times. Students will be required to maintain physical distancing of six (6) feet from others when entering and exiting the School. Parents/Guardians will be required to ensure their child arrives at school on time, each day. If a child will be late, parents/guardians must call Jill Nesbitt in the School’s front office to inform her; in this instance, parents/guardians will drop their child off at the front entrance to the school and Jill will ensure the child reaches their stable group home base safely. 
    Please note, parents/guardians will not be permitted on campus and are highly encouraged to help their child become accustomed to getting dropped off so they can walk into school on their own. Parents/guardians of K-1 students will be permitted to walk their child to the designated entry point for the first week of school as long as they maintain the physical distancing requirements and do not gather, socially, after dropping off their child. After the first week, we will need parents/guardians of K-1 students to drop their child off at the designated entry point. Information about entry and exit points as well as drop off and pick up procedures will be provided prior to the start of school; drop-off and pick-up times for each grade level are included in the Reopening the LS Campus and Reopening the MS Campus pages.
  • i. Attesting to Student Health Daily

    Parents/Guardians shall screen students daily by checking and recording their temperature and observing for other symptoms associated with COVID-19. The health of the student will be attested each day through the use of an online portal and must be completed daily before drop-off by 8:00 a.m. The specific details of the health screening process will be provided in early August. As parents/guardians drop students off, a staff member will verify that the health form has been filled out. If the parent/guardian has not attested to their child’s health, the student will not be permitted on campus until this verification step is complete.


List of 11 items.

  • a. What will I need to do to verify my child is not ill and able to attend school?

    Before the beginning of school, you will receive information about an online portal which you will use to verify your child’s health on a daily basis. This online portal will be connected to the School’s already existing student information system. You will be asked to verify that you or your child have not been exposed to COVID-19 (to the best of your knowledge) and that your child nor anyone in your household is not experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19. Redwood Day will need you to verify this information on a daily basis; students arriving at Redwood Day for drop-off without proper verification will not be permitted into their stable group home base location until a parent/guardian completes the verification process.
  • b. What symptoms will I need to check for on a daily basis to ensure my child is able to come to school each day?

    Parents/guardians will need to screen students daily by checking their temperature and observing for other symptoms associated with COVID-19. Parents/guardians should look for symptoms that are new or different from what the student may already have and not explained by another reason. Symptoms may include:
    • Fever or chills
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Fatigue
    • Muscle or body aches
    • Headache
    • New loss of taste or smell
    • Sore throat
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
    In addition to daily self-screenings, parents/guardians and students are obligated to report the following information and remain at home as recommended by the CDC:
    • If they have traveled anywhere in the United States or internationally by plane, they may not return to school for 14 days after they return
    • If they have traveled, by any mode of transportation, anywhere in the United States that has a spike or uncontrolled outbreak and/or does not observe physical distancing and mandatory mask requirements
    • If they, or anyone in their household, had close contact with someone who was ill with confirmed COVID-19,  
    • If a member of their household is ill with confirmed or suspected COVID-19
    Any student who is quarantining due to the circumstances detailed above will have access to learning via live-streamed classes at home.
  • c. What will happen if my child becomes ill at school? Where will they go until I can come to pick them up from school?

    Redwood Day will have designated areas for students, faculty, or staff who are feeling ill and/or experiencing symptoms possibly related to COVID-19. The areas will be well ventilated with easy access to the outdoors; the areas will also be supervised by trained staff using personal protective equipment (PPE). Similar to the school’s process in the past, parents/guardians will be notified immediately if their child needs to go home. Parents/guardians will be expected to pick their child up from school immediately to minimize exposure to any other students, faculty, or staff. 
    Students who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 will not be permitted to return to school until they have met CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation, including:

    • Three (3) days with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medicines
    • Symptoms have improved and they’ve had ten (10) days since symptoms first appeared (CDPH Guidance, pg. 12). 
    Redwood Day’s instructional program will be available to students to connect to at home via live-streamed classes.
  • d. What will happen if there is a confirmed exposure to COVID-19 in my child’s stable group?

    The School will consult and coordinate with public health officials who will determine necessary next steps, including documenting, reporting, tracking, and tracing potential exposures to COVID-19 on the school campus and advising any individuals who had close contact with the student to isolate at home. The student stable group where exposure occurred will be required to remain at home for 14 days before reentering the school campus. If a student has a sibling in another stable group at Redwood Day, the sibling will be required to remain at home for 14 days before reentering the school campus. While at home, students can access the curriculum via live-streamed lessons from campus. Following the protocol outlined by the ACPHD, Redwood Day will work with the ACPHD on a case-by-case basis. Depending on case-specific factors, the ACPHD may require COVID-19 tests for everyone in the stable group and require the stable group to quarantine for 14 days regardless of the test results. Regardless of the COVID-19 test result, students will not be permitted to return to school until they have met CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation, including:

    • Three (3) days with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medicines
    • Symptoms have improved and they’ve had ten (10) days since symptoms first appeared (CDPH Guidance, pg. 12).
  • e. Will faculty and staff be required to attest to their health on a daily basis?

    Faculty/staff will be required to verify their health on a daily basis using a similar online portal as what is required of students. Any faculty/staff experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19 will be required to remain home until they have met the CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation, including:

    • Three (3) days with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medicines
    • Symptoms have improved and they’ve had ten (10) days since symptoms first appeared (CDPH Guidance, pg. 12).
  • f. How were the stable group sizes and classroom home base locations decided?

    Stable group sizes were determined by the enrollment for each grade level and the available classroom space to accommodate the number of students. The usable square footage of each classroom space was then divided by 50 square feet (as recommended by health experts) to determine how many individuals can safely fit in the classroom location while implementing proper physical distancing protocols. To the best of our ability, we aimed to keep all grade-level stable groups in the Lower School in the same general location on campus. Middle School stable groups are assigned to classroom locations by advisory for at least the first semester. Middle School students will not be traveling from classroom to classroom in this model; Middle School Core and Specialist Teachers will travel to students in their home base cohort location.
  • g. How will you ensure physical distancing during recess, lunch, breaks, etc.?

    Recess and lunch periods will be staggered in the Lower School to promote physical distancing, and lunches will take place in individual classrooms or at outdoor tables. Outdoor physical education or play activities will be staggered for different student groups to promote physical distancing. Stable groups will be assigned to a designated area of the campus during outdoor physical education or play activities to promote physical distancing and will not be permitted to leave their designated area.
  • h. How will classrooms be well-ventilated?

    Under the CDC recommendation to increase the use of outdoor air as much as possible, Redwood Day will use natural ventilation whenever possible. Doors and windows will be open to increase outdoor air dilution of indoor air, weather permitting. When conditions do not allow the use of natural ventilation, our existing HVAC systems consist of either radiant heating or single-room systems, both of which do not pose a danger of viruses moving from one classroom to another.
  • i. What are the School’s protocols for cleaning and disinfecting the campus?

    The School has adopted a policy to promote a safe and healthy school and workplace by establishing cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation practices in an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. This policy applies to all areas of the School campus both indoor and outdoor, including buildings, facilities, and grounds. The policy will be in compliance with the most recent CDC guidelines for the cleaning & disinfecting of public places, workplaces, businesses, schools, and homes. All disinfecting will be done with EPA-approved disinfectants against COVID-19 and following all directions to ensure safe and effective use. The policy requires nightly disinfection of all classrooms and requires classroom teachers to clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces and objects in the classroom between student use, including, but not limited to, desks and tables, doorknobs, light switches, and any other surface or object in the classroom touched or used by students.
  • j. Prior to school starting on August 17, are there any requirements we need to follow before our child attends school in-person?

    All Redwood Day families, faculty, and staff are expected to follow the Alameda County Public Health order. At this time, the health order does not allow non-essential travel, socializing beyond one's "bubble," or large gatherings. If your family plans to travel prior to the first day of school, we ask that you please do not travel within fourteen (14) days of the start of school to do your part in ensuring the health and safety of the entire Redwood Day community during the opening of the school’s campus. 
    As noted in an earlier FAQ, in addition to daily self-screenings, parents/guardians and students are obligated to report the following information and remain at home as recommended by the CDC:

    • If a student has traveled anywhere in the United States or internationally by plane, they may not return to school for 14 days after they return
    • If a student has traveled, by any mode of transportation, anywhere in the United States that has a spike or uncontrolled outbreak and/or does not observe physical distancing and mandatory mask requirements
    • If a student, or anyone in their household, has had close contact with someone who was ill with confirmed COVID-19,  
    • If a member of a student’s household is ill with confirmed or suspected COVID-19
    If you have any questions about the travel policy, please contact John Loeser, Head of School, or Deann Hays, CFOO.
  • k. We carpool to/from school. Is that still OK?

    We encourage people to limit their exposure as much as possible. For this reason, we discourage carpooling. However, we recognize that carpooling may be necessary for some families. If that is the case, we require that you maintain a carpool group that is consistent with the students assigned to your child’s stable group and that you limit the number of students in the carpool. If you have multiple children, in different grade levels at Redwood Day, we request that you please refrain from carpooling with other families.