"Cloudy With A Chance of Foul Play"

Last week, the Middle School Drama Department treated families and friends to three amazing performances of the Fall play, Cloudy With A Chance of Foul Play. Cloudy With A Chance of Foul Play is an original murder mystery written and directed by Middle School Drama Teacher, Vince Faso. In the play, a local weather forecaster makes a catastrophic mistake when he guarantees sunny skies, but then a storm of apocalyptic proportions ensues. From destroyed science fair projects to ruined weddings, company picnics, and invaluable pieces of art, those most affected are brought together mysteriously together and find themselves locked in the same building with the one person on whom they all blame their misfortune.

The play featured 26 7th and 8th-graders and, as this was an original work, the actors contributed many of their ideas to the plot and characters. Inspired by the works of Agatha Christie and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the play's final twist revealed a backstory that ran deeper, much deeper than anyone could have foreseen.