Accountable White Allies for Racial Equity (AWARE) Virtual Meeting *NEW DATE*

Zoom (link published in the Redwood Day Weekly)
AWARE is for white-identifying adults committed to fighting for racial and social justice. AWARE provides a supportive, open community space to learn, take anti-racist action, and dig into challenges as we aim to embody antiracism in parenting and our communities. To do this work effectively, we need to consistently reflect on our identity and place in systems of oppression. AWARE members aim to address our own unconscious biases and take an active role in undoing racism in our communities and ourselves. This parent/guardian group is modeled after our White, Antiracist Educators (WARE) group for faculty/staff. Zoom link will be published in the Redwood Day Weekly. Please contact Brooke Abola or Diana Pasquali, Co-facilitators or Meredith Spencer, Director of Equity and Inclusion with questions.